Concrete, Masonry & Stone Suppliers
Concrete, masonry, and stone suppliers provide essential materials for construction and home improvement projects. They offer ready-mix concrete, bricks, blocks, pavers, and natural or manufactured stone for foundations, walls, patios, and landscaping.
Here are concrete, masonry and stone suppliers serving Arizona.
Cemex Materials
Producers of asphalt products, ready-mix concrete featuring Ultra Performance Concrete and grade preparation materials.
Davis Colors
A leading manufacturer of concrete colors offering a wide spectrum of colors that are used in ready mix, concrete block, pavers, roof tiles, mortar and stamped concrete.
Earth Friendly Building Materials
Manufacturer of EF Block, a process that recycles Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) into eco-friendly insulated concrete forms – the ideal material for green construction.
Elementis Pigments
A leading producer of organoclays and other rheological additives.
Estrella Custom Stone
Supplies natural hand carved stone material to leading architects, interior designers, builders and contractors across the nation
Facings of America
Natural stone, architectural features, porcelain/ceramic tile, columns and balustrades, fireplace mantels, fountains, door and window surrounds and much more.
Lhoist North America
Lime based products and services.
Precast concrete products ranging from architecturally specified stairs, roof pavers and wall caps to standard pavers sold through home improvement centers.
Stockett Tile & Granite Company
A leader in fabrication, installation and restoration of natural stone and tile.
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